I would like to personally invite you to learn how you can protect your business from a complete disaster with the latest in innovative technology.
Rely On IT and Axcient are proud to present a FREE webinar specifically targeted to your business and protecting all of the data from disasters and mayhem.
How to Recover from Disasters in Hours
Date: September 1st, 2011 at 11.00 AM (Pacific Time)
In this webinar you will learn how to:
- Protect data assets in the event of loss or corruption
- Restore lost files, folders, or even an entire MS Exchange in minutes, not days or months
- Ensure your business continuity every day
- Automatically preserve a copy of everything offsite on a continuous basis
All attendees will see a live product overview and demo in plain English. We promise not to use geek speak so if you are not technical you will still learn how you can protect your business.
This free webinar will reveal What Every Business Owner MUST Have in Place NOW to Guarantee a Fast, Easy, And Painless Recovery of Their Data After A Disaster.
If you are one of the first 50 people to sign up we will enroll you in a random drawing and be giving away a FREE Apple IPad2. You must attend to win. So, what are you waiting for?
Sign up now and protect your business.
Plus enter for a chance to win a new Apple IPad2 today!
Join us and ensure your disaster recovery plans for your company's future.